What Is A StoryBrand Website?
A StoryBrand website provides clear messaging by leveraging Donald Miller's 7-part framework of the story, turning visitors into customers. Great StoryBrand website examples have designs with more than a clear call to action button. This blog will give you plenty of tips and website examples to create your StoryBrand website template.
As a former StoryBrand certified guide, we fine-tune and implement a brand's messaging across its entire marketing strategy and digital marketing. We have found that many companies and business leaders struggle to implement the StoryBrand formula, especially regarding their website’s copy because it's hard to see it when they’re so close to their brand story.
Reading this blog on StoryBrand website examples will help you avoid failure and get customers to pay attention the next time you do web design services or craft landing pages. We hope you feel an urgency to write your copy immediately so that you're not just telling people you're awesome but sharing a value proposition for why they should work with you.
Above the Fold
You don’t just want a nice-looking website; own StoryBrand website need one that makes you money! Your website must pass what StoryBrand calls the “Grunt Test.” Imagine a caveman looking at your website above the fold for five seconds before smashing the screen shut with a barbaric YALP.
When he stares at you, drooling, over a scrap of metal that was your laptop, he should be able to grunt out answers to the following question:
- What do you do?
- How does this solution make my life better?
- How do they buy or work with you?
As a former StoryBrand certified guide, I ask my clients, “Could a 5th grader look at the first page of your website (above the fold) and answer those three questions?” If a 5th grader can’t explain your services, you're losing sales like many businesses.
Customers buy solutions! People should not have to watch a video series to understand if you sell real estate or do mobile drug testing. As a guide, Ryan Toth, says, "Your website shouldn't feel like flushing money down the drain."
Why is this, you might ask? It’s because of two reasons:
- The curse of knowledge
- You’re asking them to burn too many calories
Because you’re an expert in your field, you’re a 9 or 10 out of 10 regarding your knowledge about your particular industry. When you feel you’re trying to be clear about your services and make things simple, you’re most likely communicating at a level 5 or 6. This pain point is because people make buying decisions at levels 1 and 2. If you don’t share what you do in a way a 5th grader could understand, you’re losing prospective customers.
The second reason the test matters is that processing complex information burns more calories, which makes it harder for someone to buy from you. That’s because exerting brain energy directly opposes our brains constantly trying to conserve calories.
The longer it takes to process information, the more calories we spend trying to navigate a complex website and the more calories we burn. The best StoryBrand websites have minimal pain points, are easy to process, clear and simple. Clear that junk drawer!
Though creating websites with excellent design is a minimum for businesses online, people don’t buy from what looks the best. They buy from a company that they can understand the quickest.
Using Donald Miller’s StoryBrand Framework on your website clarifies your message so your audience quickly understands what you do and how it improves their lives. Check out my review of Donald Miller’s online course, Business Made Simple University.
Here is a StoryBrand website example we built for a client that does a fantastic job answering those questions with a clear call to action button. This is just one of many StoryBrand website success stories that use above the fold concepts well.

Bowman Fly Fishing is as clear as it is visually appealing. It's one of the best StoryBrand website examples. You immediately know
- They are a Fly Fishing Guide Service
- You’ll have a trip you’ll love, and
- All you need to do is click that button in the top right to work with them.
Another great thing about this website example is the video playing in the background. The screen-grab is just one of many “hero shot” moments. It features a target customer with a smile on their face, loving their experience catching fish. The StoryBrand messaging framework tells a compelling story. So does Bowman Fly Fishing pass the “grunt test”?
Your business website should be clear on your service offerings, even if it doesn’t have words. Pictures of mountains or skylines are not going to cut it. You need to show the benefits of working with you - even in your background photo or video. What you’ll notice about the fold is the small number of quick links in the navigation.
My other favorite is that we’re already positioning Bowman as the guide (pun intended) in the story by establishing authority with those little pop-ups in the bottom left. Website visitors will see this engaging image and get fear of missing out as well.
Depending on your device, you might see the “value-stack” or value proposition above the fold. These statements help a good story and paint a perfect example of clients' success in working with you. The website copy for these value stacks is directly pulled from the success bucket of your StoryBrand BrandScript.
One thing that is common among great websites is the simple navigation bar. You’ll notice that there are only four options at the top, one of which is the call to action. I highly suggest you out the junk drawer by simplifying your header navigation and putting everything else you can’t get rid of in the footer, like the about page.
Checklist from the StoryBrand examples above:
- Do you effectively communicate what your business offers?
- Is the site clear about how your product or service will improve your target audience's life?
- Is there a clear path for customers to connect on how to buy your product or service? Will they save money?
- People don’t read websites; they scan them. Is the text minimal, or should it use bullet points?
- Do photos/videos in your header display the hero section as an aspirational success of your character?
- Is the brand message crafted with the StoryBrand Framework and communicating the benefits?
Below the Fold
The real fun starts here, and many websites - particularly sales page sites - go off the rails at this point. Let’s keep you from going off the rails.
Below the fold is whatever is past what people initially see on the screen when your website loads without scrolling. Now that potential customers are scrolling, we know they are at least moderately interested in seeing what you offer and if it will work for them. This is your chance to invite yourself into the customer’s story with a customer-focused copy.
I will continue to use Bowman’s site here for the following few points but don’t worry. I’ll show you others and why they work as well. It all comes down to the StoryBrand principles being put in action.
In this section, we introduce the problem that Fly Fishing can be frustrating. If you pay close attention, you’ll see we are not addressing the external issues that Fly Fishing alone can be difficult. We’re skipping right to the internal problems of the feeling people get when they are having a hard time.
After introducing the problem and how they solve it, we again establish them as the authority by showcasing customer testimonials from their clients and pictures of past trips. Many client testimonials work as on-page sales teams you don't have to pay - they are excellent site highlights and go a long way in encouraging visitors to click through.
Then, we do a little “about section.” The key here is that we’re not making Bowman the hero section of the story. What we’re doing here is a short elevator pitch using the StoryBrand Framework. We’re ensuring it’s fast enough for someone to read while in line at Starbucks with a friend. Can someone understand your about section while they order a latte and chat with a friend?
One of the best parts about a great BrandScript is that it has a simple plan that is three (or four) step process for the customer to work with you. A three-step process makes it easy to understand how to work with you and doesn’t require your customer to burn many calories.

Checklist from the Examples Above
- Display a clear message that will lift the fog for your customer (“3 Easy Steps” with descriptions of each step and a title)
- Write three or four things your customer will get from engaging with your brand.
- Use icons/graphics and a bold title above the descriptions
- Communicate success - explain the value or success you will deliver to your customers
- What negative consequences will it cost the customer if they don’t do business with you?
Lessons from our StoryBrand Framework with Donald Miller
Below are three screenshots of our StoryBrand website homepage and what makes excellent StoryBrand website examples. First, they all keep the customer as the hero of the story. This is essential for anything StoryBrand. The headers on the site are all packed with value. We could have said, “how we’re different.” Instead, we painted a picture of success and established ourselves as people who can help our clients grow their companies. Each header should be exceptionally thoughtful because most people will skim your website. The other thing that should be considered is your on-page SEO. How effectively you do that can add value.
This might be our secret sauce, so don’t tell anyone else. We try and get our customers to “imagine” or have our readers think about how awesome it would be to work with us. This again pulls from the bucket of the StoryBrand BrandScript. If you think of the 7-parts of the StoryBrand framework as ingredients in baking something, painting a clear picture of the solution is like flour. You can almost not get enough of it.
We have a transitional call to action on the first page of our site. This is a fantastic way for customers to get something of value from us, even if they are not ready to work with us. This is for the vast majority of people who, for whatever reason, might want to work with you but are unsure if it’s the best time or if you’re the right fit.
In our “about section” on the StoryBrand site, we do a more extended version of a sales letter. A sales letter is an effective way to hit all the points of the StoryBrand Framework. It walks the reader from their desires through what’s at risk if they don’t work with your company. This is your chance to talk more and write in all the other words you want (tastefully). Adding the necessary keywords helps those seriously considering your business and Google have all the info their heart desires. You’ll notice that it’s expandable, so people can still skim the whole website.
Checklist from the examples Below
- Do your headers aid the story your company is trying to tell?
- Do you have a transitional call to action?
- Is your website also SEO-friendly?
- Is your about section expandable?
Best StoryBrand Websites
Shultz Photo School is a legacy example of a StoryBranded website. The first thing you see is a beautiful image of a child, which is what parents want to create. Everything from their header to their brand logo is cohesive in their messaging and branding. The logo is clear and appealing, with the letter S for Shultz disguised as a camera. When you look at this logo, you automatically know this brand has something to do with photography.

The second thing that stands out on the business website is the “Get a Free Course” button. This is the direct call to action. The button is strategically placed on the cover page twice and is the only thing that is colored on the homepage. This enables that button to pop and be the center of attention. Additionally, if you’re a real StoryBrand pro, you’ll notice they have a “learn more” button as the transitional call to action.
This is an excellent example of a company trying to build trust with customers and letting them feel ready to create something more significant. The header establishes them as an authority, and the subheader shows the customer what’s in it for them. Look at the text: “Join 102,000 parents taking priceless pics of their kids, not just snapshots”.
StoryBrand designers use the principles of the StoryBrand framework to create clear, concise, and compelling designs. They understand the importance of using simple language and work to ensure that the visual elements of the brand's message support and reinforce the message communicated through the written content.
Unofficial StoryBranded Website Examples
I will share with you three companies I love using and why what they did on their website made me want to work with them.
This quickly might turn into a love letter for Bench, but they are customer-centric. First, it’s evident on that site what they do, how it improves your life, and how you can work with them. This alone sets them apart from the competition. (You, too, can be more precise than your competition.) I like their use of negative space ascetically but to each their own. I do think that minimalism in design and StoryBrand go hand in hand.
Next, I want to point your attention to show examples of how they creatively show you what’s in it for you as a potential customer. They tell you that tax season will be less stressful and you’ll get more daily hours. What small business team doesn’t want that?

Introducing HoneyBook, this one I use as well. Though the website isn’t perfect, it has some great things I want to point out to you that I think you can learn from. This screenshot is below the fold. See if you can find elements we have already talked about here.
At the top, they establish themselves as the guide by positioning themselves with authority next to those well-known brand names. If you’ve worked with well-known or local brands, you can incorporate this idea on your website. You can also do this if any media outlets have featured you. They are also doing the same thing by showcasing a customer testimonial.
The website's statement “End-to-end project management tracking keeps you in total control” clearly communicates what the product is and how it makes the customer feel when using it.

This is awful, but I will try out the products because I appreciate how well they did with their website marketing. Crazy, I know. That being said, Whoop is one of my favorite products, and they live up to all of their marketing promises. A key for you to know is that you can promise as much success as you like as long as you deliver. Below is a benefits section regarding what is in it for people who buy their product. I love the icons on the site that enable people to understand what’s in it for them, even if they are in line ordering that latte we talked about.

Grab More Website Visitors With The StoryBrand Framework
The power of the StoryBrand message is that you tell a clear and compelling story about your product or service to your target audience. But the true power behind these StoryBrand website examples is that they use marketing messaging without being pushy or sales-y.
The best StoryBrand website examples take their customer's problem and come alongside as a partner who can help solve it. They show empathy, understanding, and a genuine desire to help instead of just pushing their product or service. It's more than just writing a philosophical statement in your hero statement - it's helping ideal customers live better lives.
Are you ready to steal the secrets of the top StoryBrand website example? Let Caffeine Marketing be your partner in bringing the StoryBrand framework to your site. As a former StoryBrand certified guide, we help brands tell better stories through the StoryBrand framework.
Reach out to our certified storybrand agency, and let's see how we can supercharge your online reputation with the StoryBrand framework.